4 reviews for 5 DoF Robotic Arm Add-on Kit
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$99.00 $75.00
Learn Industrial Robotics the DIY Way
Learn Industrial Robotics the DIY Way
$99.00 $75.00
Building and programming a miniature industrial palletizing robotic arm is now easy and fun with the DIY robotic arm add-on kit! This kit is perfect for those who wish to learn advanced industrial robotics concepts with a fun-filled learning-by-doing approach. With your own robotic arm, you can draw, perform pick and place activities (both manually and automatic), serve drink, and even make a candy-sorter!
evive is not included in the kit.
Straight forward assembly, circuitry, and programming in every project
Numerous tutorials, projects, documentation, app, and software free to use for everyone
Compatible with popular development boards like evive, Arduino Uno, Mega, and Nano
Works with programming platforms like Arduino IDE, PictoBlox (Scratch), Python, etc
Provides with insights into a palletizing robotic manipulator through hands-on experience
Teaches advanced robotics concepts like Motion Planning, Inverse Kinematics, etc
3 x Metal Servo Motor and Accessories (Includes servo horns, screws etc.)
2 x Micro Servo and Accessories (Includes servo horns, screws etc.)
1 x DC Adapter
1 x Bearing
1 x Bottm Outer Bearing Disc (Larger Annulus)
2 x Middle Outer Bearing Disc (Smaller Annulus)
1 x Top Outer Bearing Disc
1 x Triangular Junctin Plate
2 x Lef Lower Arm
1 x Lef Middle Arm
1 x Lef Upper Arm
1 x Right Middle Arm (Shorter than Lef Upper Arm)
1 x Right Lower Arm
2 x Right Upper Arm
2 x Rotatinal Servo Plate
2 x Side Servo Mountig Plate
1 x Base Servo Motor Plate
1 x End-Effctor Rotatinal Micro Servo Plate
1 x Roboti Arm Base
15 x Spacer
1 x Gripper Claw 1
1 x Gripper Claw 2
1 x Gripper Plate
1 x Gripper Part 1
1 x Gripper Part 2
1 x Gripper Link
1 x Inner Bearing Disc
1 x 3D Printed Spacer
1 x Screw Driver
Roboti Arm Book
1 x Bunch of Cable Ties
Jumper Cables:
20 x Male-Male
20 x Male-Female
20 x Female-Female
10 x M3 Standof of 30mm MF
2 x M3 Standof of 30mm FF
4 x M3 Standof of 20mm FF
2 x M3 Standof of 15mm MF
Fasteners (Note: MX represents X mm in diameter):
25 x M4 Bolts of 16 mm Length
10 x M4 Bolts of 25 mm Length
2 x M4 Bolts of 30 mm Length
2 x M4 Bolts of 40 mm Length
15 x M3 Bolts of 8 mm Length
10 x M3 Bolts of 12 mm Length
5 x M2 Bolts of 12 mm Length
40 x M4 Nuts
10 x M4 Lock Nuts
15 x M3 Nuts
5 x M2 Nuts
Learn how to make your own DIY color sorting robotic arm using ultrasonic and IR sensors.
Learn how to make a joystick-controlled robotic arm and turn it into a DIY claw machine.
This project will show you how to make your own robotic arm bartender that will make you a star host!
Make your own computer-controlled robotic arm and control it like a pro with your computer’s keyboard.
Want to make cool projects with the Robotic Arm Add-On Kit? Then, get evive NOW – your own palm-sized electronics lab!
Loved evive but yet to kickstart your DIY-ing journey? Then, go for the evive Starter Kit – the BEST creator kit for beginners!
Want to explore the world of the Internet of Things with evive? Then, go for the evive IoT Kit – the future in a box!
Nurture the nature with intelligent soil and plant monitoring, auto irrigation and much more.
Watch your pulses jump up and down, analyze your breath, visualize muscle activity and more.
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Jimmy Martin –
This is the perfect gift for my son to introduce him to the world of robotics. It is not a partial or completely made robotic arm, but it is provided with more than 200 components (including the screws and wires). Had a lot of fun with my son during this quarantine to assemble it. The build-guide was a great help and the online videos helped us a lot too.
This kit is worth the price. 🙂
Helen Davis –
I’m an educator and I ordered a couple of this add-on robotics kit for my makerspace. The kits actually liked it, well-loved it. They required a little help at times from my side but other than that, they completely built it using the manual.
Abhilasha Chopra –
My son enjoyed making this very much. Looking forward to trying out the other products!!
Simi Biswas –
I’m a senior citizen, and this kept me busy. This is a pretty great kit to work with. I had already ordered evive through their crowdfunding campaign, and this kit drew my attention.
I would like to bring to everyone’s notice that the parts are really of great strength. Initially, the build was a little confusing but even support from the team was great. I have completed it’s built-in a week(building it using the book then rebuilding it again). I was willing to give this completed arm to my grandson, but now I’m planning to make it again with him.