Biomedical Kit
Biomedical Kit
$79.00 $59.00
Biomedical Kit provides students with different aspects of technology in the field of biology and medicine by visualizing various life forms, objects, cells, etc. It helps students to discover the Micro-World. The microscope is very easy to setup and handle, minimizing the efforts of both students and teachers. The kit comes with 48 prepared slides covering all the objects to get started with microscopy. Unlike traditional microscopes, users don’t have to visualize the objects only by preparing slides, they can use the microscope freely, and can visualize the surface of their skin, hairs, clothes, television, and many more objects.
Why Go for the Biomedical Kit?

Easy to Use
Assembly, software installation and calibration are simple and easy to do.

Free Learning Resources
All the tutorials and software are free for everyone.

Exploring Minds
Explore the various Microworld under the microscope.

Freestyle Usage
You can use the microscope wherever you want without even preparing slides.

Prepared Sildes
You will get 48 prepared slides essential for anyone to start with.

Upto 1000x Zoom
You can scale the objects up to 1000x by just rotating the zoom cylinder.
Inside the Kit
What You Can Visualize?

Get the Bio Medical Kit NOW!
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